4 Ways to Tell Your Dog Needs a Vet

Your dog is a member of the family and they deserve the best care possible. At Steel City Emergency Vets in Birmingham, Alabama, we specialize in caring for your pets in their time of need. If you are looking to help your pet live a long healthy life, here are four things to pay attention to that may point to your dog needing to go to the vet. If you are in need of emergency veterinary services, visit our clinic today!

Dog looking at food

Changes in Eating Habits

Sudden changes in eating habits, whether it’s a hesitancy to eat or eating way too much, can indicate problems with your pooch. If you have noticed one of these things in your dog, it’s time to bring them into an emergency vet in Birmingham.

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Dog feeling tired

Over-the-Top Lethargy

Some dogs just are not that active, but if your dog has experienced a sudden increase in lethargy or your furry friend is plain out refusing to do anything active, there may be a larger issue at play. Bring your dog in for emergency vet services at Steel City today!

Dog on walk

Poor Balance or Irregular Movement

If your furry friend is experiencing difficulty standing, changes in their walking patterns, or awkward movements, there could be any number of problems with their health. This is also a common sign of a pretty serious issue. If you have noticed this, bring them into Steel City today for emergency vet services.

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Sick dog

Vomiting or Other Gastrointestinal Troubles

From eating something they shouldn’t to getting an infection, gastro issues often point to health problems that need medical attention. If your dog is struggling with these problems, bring them into our emergency pet hospital today to get them the diagnosis and treatment they need!

Your dog deserves the best care in Birmingham. At Steel City Emergency Vet, we deliver just that! Keep these things in mind so that if they pop up, you know exactly how to care for your furry friend. If your dog is experiencing these now, bring them into Steel City today!

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